Does Direct Mail Work? Who Reads Postcards & Flyers?

Does Direct Mail Work ..Mailbox Cloud 8

Does Direct Mail Work?  Who Reads Postcards & Flyers?

Does direct mail work?  That is the first question you have to ask before you spend your hard earned money on promoting your business with direct mail.  The funny thing is most people don’t think advertising works on themselves.  “I throw those things out.”  “I never pay attention to the political ads on TV”. The truth is it doesn’t have to work on you.  It has to pay for itself and then generate a significant profit. I will show you some statistics, but the true answer comes in how much money continues to be spent. The answer to the question “Does direct mail work?” can be found in your mailbox everyday.  It more than pays for itself or advertisers wouldn’t continue to send it to you.  In fact, direct mail is getting smarter by understanding when and to whom to send it to. Let’s look at two very important groups:  Millennials and Women.  Does Direct Mail Work with them?

Millennials Read Direct Mail

36% of people under 30 say they look forward to checking the mail everyday.1 Millennials are projected to have $2-trillion in cumulative spending power by next year.

Women Read Postcards and Flyers

91% of mail is picked up by the same person each day; 80% of them are women.2 Women make more than 80% of all purchasing decisions.3 22% of women shop online at least once a day.3 Keep women in mind when you design your postcard or brochure. Women will often be the gatekeeper in your future sales. Do you have questions on who reads direct mail?  Call 614-273-0845 or contact  Cloud 8 Printing. We can help you with your postcard, flyer or brochure direct mail project including direct mail design.  Cloud 8 Direct Mail Page. Sources 1. 2015 Gallup Poll